HORSE: Chai, 18mths, Mustang filly gathered in 2022 at 3mths old from Pancake, NV.
SITUATION: Chai is was separated from her mother at very young age, leading to boundary issues with humans and other horses. 
GOAL: Chai is able to think through situations and listen to cues from her handler before acting on her first impulse.

Summary & Conclusion

To help a boisterous filly be more relaxed and responsive when leading out of the year, I needed to teach her impulse control. We worked on two new verbal cues, and also desensitization with a bike in motion. To test the “head up” and “stay with me” cues, I wanted to see if she could stay connected to me at liberty while she was at her favorite tub. Her tub has a high reinforcement history as it’s where she gets her morning pellets and her jackpots. There was chopped hay in the tub (same as was in my pouch) that she was eager to drop her head and eat. She was able to respond to her new cues and resist her impulse to dive her head into the the tub and stay connected to me. She was even able to walk away from the tub and come to me. These new cues have been extremely effective at keeping her connected to me while leading outside of the yard.


Koda - Backing


Koda - Fly Sheet