HORSE: Mazama (Maz), 9yrs, Gelding Mustang gathered in 2018 at 3yrs old from Devils Garden, CA.
SITUATION: Maz becomes over-aroused when training with food, characterized by dropping, anxiety and unsolicited behaviors.
GOAL: Maz is motivated yet relaxed when training new behaviors using positive reinforcement.

Summary & Conclusion

Mazama, a 9yr old mustang, is easily aroused by food. He resource-guards food from other horses, sometimes aggressively, and gets tense and over excited when training with food rewards. Prior to this case study, Maz was tense during training sessions, constantly dropping, holding a high head and neck position, and showing frustration and unsolicited behaviors if food wasn’t being delivered quickly enough.

After 2 months of regular sessions and several experiments, we ultimately found a combination of different variables that worked to achieve a wonderful balance between motivation and relaxation. In this video you will see a mix of things that worked for him: long-stemmed hay, physical distance, incorporating PLAY, and rewarding for long strides and low head and neck position.


Koda - Short Reining


Chai - Leading